In a remarkable journey back to the Jurassic Era, scientists have used cutting-edge technology to uncover secrets about Orthosuchus stormbergi, a small, early ancestor of today's crocodiles. Unlike its modern relatives, which are renowned for their massive size and aquatic prowess, this tiny croc offers unique insights into the evolution of its...
Lab News
Imagine a world on the brink of collapse: volcanic eruptions spewing toxic gases, oceans turning acidic, and up to 90% of Earth's species vanishing in the blink of an eye. This was the reality at the end of the Permian Period, around 252 million years ago, during Earth's most catastrophic mass extinction event. Yet, amid this global upheaval, a...
By investigating the internal structure of fossil bones of 200 million-year-old fossil crocodile ancestors (known as crocodylomorphs) from South Africa, a team of researchers has shown that they grew slowly, similar to their living descendants. "After studying the internal structure of the bones of the animal we were surprised to find that the bone...
A groundbreaking discovery in South Africa has unveiled a new top predator species that lived 252 million years ago and went extinct during the catastrophic Permian-Triassic mass extinction. This finding sheds light on the dramatic events that occurred during this pivotal moment in Earth's history, providing valuable insights into ancient...